Webcasts + Webinars
The Benefits of Internships for Employers
This is a short video for employers on the advantages of hosting an internship for people with disabilities. This video will also discuss tips for hosting an internship and review what to expect from collaborating service providers while running an internship for people with disabilities.
Family Collaboration in Supported Employment
This video describes the essential role of families in supported employment and outlines ways families can be involved during different phases of supported employment to help their child be successful at work.
Families Promoting Success in Long Term Supports
This video discusses the essential role of families in helping a person with a disability be successful long-term in a community job. Specific steps for supporting a family member while working in competitive integrated employment are outlined in this video.
Internships for Job Seekers
This is a short video for students with disabilities who want to get a job in the community after leaving school. This video will talk about what happens during an internship and how an internship can help students with disabilities get work experience before applying for jobs as an adult.
The Intersection of Culture, Race, Ethnicity, Disability in Employment
Dr. Carol Schall discusses the impact that an individual’s cultural experiences and perspectives may have at work. She offers tips and strategies to employment service providers when working with diverse populations who have disabilities. She also demonstrates ways to incorporate culturally responsive feedback into a discussion about workplace expectations that respect culture and establish high expectations.
Long Term Supports and Job Retention
This video will describe the role of long-term supports in helping individuals with disabilities maintain job stability. This video will also review considerations for family members of an employed individual with a disability regarding how and when to communicate with the employment specialist assisting their family member at a job site.
Q & A on Customized Employment and Supported Employment
Dr. Paul Wehman discusses the key differences between supported employment and customized employment. He provides a brief historical background on each of these employment interventions and then describes the existing empirical evidence for supported and customized employment.
The Role of the Employment Specialist in Long Term Support: What can families expect?
This video describes how an employment specialist coordinates services with other providers and resources in order to help your family member with a disability be successful long-term on-the-job.