Resources for Families + Caretakers
Fact Sheets
Barriers to Employment: A Family Perspective
This fact sheet reviews some of the common concerns parents or caretakers may have about their child with a disability becoming employed within the community.
A Brief Introduction to Benefits Counseling and How Work Impact Benefits for People with Disabilities and Their Families
This fact sheet is a brief introduction for job seekers and families on benefits counseling and will provide an overview of basic points to consider about receiving and keeping benefits when going to work.
SSA Work Incentives Myth Buster
Don’t listen to the myths! The Social Security Administration (SSA) empowers individuals with disabilities to pursue their employment goals, achieve greater financial independence, and improve their overall quality of life. Get the facts on work and earning competitive wages while receiving benefits in this fact sheet developed by the Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities.
School-To-Work Transition Guide
The result of a statewide, collaborative study group and developed through the Illinois Center for Transition and Work, the School-to-Work Transition Guide is designed to be a key resource for students, parents, educators, rehabilitation counselors and other adult service providers throughout Illinois.
Information Briefs
Choice and Work-Based Learning: Information for School Personnel and Families of Students with Disabilities
This information brief discusses the importance of providing choice and a variety of work-based learning experiences while supporting students with disabilities in preparing for employment.
School-to-Work: Key Differences and What to Expect
This fact sheet details some of the major changes a transition-age youth and their family can expect to experience when moving from secondary school to paid employment in the community.
Competitive Integrated Employment vs. Sheltered Work: What Is the Difference?
This infographic describes different types of work, including competitive integrated employment (CIE) and it’s advantageous over segregated work options.
Video briefs
Long Term Supports and Job Retention
This video discusses the essential role of families in helping a person with a disability be successful long-term in a community job. Specific steps for supporting a family member while working in competitive integrated employment are outlined in this video.
Family Collaboration in Supported Employment
This video describes the essential role of families in supported employment and outlines ways families can be involved during different phases of supported employment to help their child be successful at work.