Developed by the SWTCIE Illinois evaluation team, the Vocational Rehabilitation Intellectual Disabilities Research Series (VRIDRS) is a quarterly research-based series of briefs and materials related to a variety of top vocational rehabilitation topics.
A better understanding of employers’ perspectives on people with disabilities could provide insights into what an employer’s role may be in improving employment outcomes for people with disabilities. A recent qualitative study developed eight themes about exemplary employers. Learn about the eight themes and how to put them into practice.
Research suggests that caring for a child, or managing the affairs of an adult with an intellectual or developmental disability (IDD) can be tough and stressful for parents and caregivers. Learn the importance of supporting caregivers, including various support strategies, and how competitive integrated employment has a positive affect on families.
Research has found that workers with intellectual and developmental disabilities who engaged in competitive integrated employment (CIE) compared to segregated vocational services (e.g., subminimum wage employment) were found to have better outcomes. Learn some of strategies to improve CIE outcomes for VR clients with intellectual disabilities and co-occurring mental health conditions.